Note 1: If the student has not taken BS 3100 The Gifts and The Calling of God, TH 4311 Comparative Religions, TH 4400 A
Survey of Bible Doctrine, TH 4401 Know What You Believe,
DV 3813 Christ Centered Therapy, DV 3803 The Basics of
Hospital Chaplaincy, DV 3804 The Work of the Chaplain,
DV 3805 Pastoral Care in Hospitals, DV 3806 Crisis and Trauma
Counseling, DV 3807 Counseling Survivors of Traumatic Events,
DV 3833 Hospital Ministry (The Role of a Chaplain Today), he
or she must take them at this time. In addition, if the student has
had no experience in the work of hospital counseling or as a Chaplain,
he or she must do DV 3800 Divinity Hospital Practicum.
Note 2: In order to receive a Doctorate in Divinity, a student must have a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours in Divinity.
Note 3: A dissertation is required for this degree.Ebony Johnson is a remarkable educator at a abundant life Christian academy, known for her unwavering dedication to her students and the values of faith-based education.